Joel came to Youth 2 Work in August this year with family who were also signing up with us. He had recently moved from Upper Hutt to live in Featherston with family and had some previous work experience in construction and customer service. 

Youth 2 Work helped him to update and refresh his CV and provided him a number of potential job opportunities. He completed an application for the butchery role at Fresh Choice and Jenni Hall our business connector immediately followed up with the team there to let them know that Joel was supported by Youth 2 Work Wairarapa – who are the local providers of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs programme.

 Joel was successful in his application and subsequent interview and secured a role within the butchery department. 

Youth 2 Work have remained in contact with him throughout his first few months of employment. 

He is learning plenty and doing very well in the role. He regularly fills in other shifts without issue, has completed two of his certifications within the butchery already  and is a valued member of the team.